A murder unfolds in the arena of volatile Japanese-American relationships - where control of the most sophisticated technology is the fiercely coveted prize and the Japanese saying "business is war" has more than figurative meaning.
On the 45th floor of the Matsumoto Tower in LA, the headquarters of the Japanese Electronics Corporation, celebrities from the film and music world mix with the captains of industry and politics.
On the 46th floor, the dead body of a young woman is discovered.
Two L.A.P.D. officers are plunged into the ‘shadow land’ of Los Angeles' Japanese community as they investigate the death of a beautiful young woman at the new U.S. headquarters of the powerful Japanese electronics corporation.
Their painstaking search for the killer uncovers an insidious, widespread pattern of bribery, corruption, and extortion that reaches from Tokyo and Osaka to Capitol Hill - where the fate of what's left of the already decimated American telecommunications industry is being decided